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Essential College Terminology Glossary

 Essential College Terminology Glossary

Essential college terminology with English definitions and Arabic translations, designed to help students understand key academic terms used in universities


Navigating college life can be overwhelming, especially for new students unfamiliar with academic terminology. Whether you're a freshman, grad student, or an international student, understanding key college terms is essential for academic success. This Essential College Terminology Glossary provides 30 must-know university terms, complete with definitions, examples, and Arabic translations to support bilingual learners.

To reinforce your learning, we’ve included two interactive worksheets:
✅ Matching Exercise – Pair college terms with their correct definitions.
✅ Fill-in-the-Blanks Quiz – Test your understanding by completing sentences with the correct academic term.

📥 Download the worksheets and master college vocabulary today! Whether you're preparing for exams, improving academic English, or just starting your university journey, this glossary is an essential resource.


1.     Freshman (n)طالب في السنة الأولى
A first-year student
He was excited to start his college journey as a freshman.

2.     Sophomore (n)طالب في السنة الثانية
A second-year student
By the time she was a sophomore, she felt more confident in her studies.

3.     Dean (n)عميد، مسؤول رفيع في الجامعة
A senior official in charge of a particular academic department or faculty
The dean gave a speech at the commencement ceremony.

4.     Internship (n)تدريب عملي
A temporary work experience program related to a student's field of study
He completed an internship at a law firm to gain practical experience.

5.     GPA (n)معدل الدرجات التراكمي
Grade Point Average; measures academic performance
Her GPA was impressive, reflecting her dedication to her studies.

6.     Lecture (n)محاضرة
A formal teaching session led by a professor
The professor's lecture on economics was both informative and engaging.

7.     Seminar (n)حلقة دراسية
A smaller, discussion-based class
The seminar allowed students to have more interactive discussions on the topic.

8.     Campus (n)الحرم الجامعي
The university's grounds and buildings
The university's campus is located in a bustling city center.

9.     Dorm (n)سكن طلابي
Short for dormitory; student housing
She stayed in the dorm during her first year at college.

10.  Syllabus (n)منهج دراسي
A course outline with assignments and schedules
The syllabus included all the deadlines for the upcoming assignments.

11.  TA (Teaching Assistant) (n)مساعد تدريس
A student assisting the professor
The TA helped with grading papers and holding office hours for students.

12.  Major (n)التخصص الدراسي
The main field of study
He declared his major in computer science after his first year.

13.  Minor (n)تخصص فرعي
A secondary field of study
She decided to take a minor in psychology alongside her main studies in biology.

14.  Credits (n)وحدات دراسية
Units earned by completing courses; required for graduation
You need at least 120 credits to graduate with a bachelor’s degree.

15.  Midterms (n)امتحانات منتصف الفصل الدراسي
Exams conducted halfway through the semester
The midterms are usually a significant part of the final grade.

16.  Finals (n)امتحانات نهاية الفصل الدراسي
End-of-term exams
Finals week is often the most stressful time for students.

17.  Office Hours (n)ساعات العمل للمشاورات
Time when professors are available for student consultations
The professor holds office hours every Tuesday afternoon for students who need extra help.

18.  All-nighter (n)السهر طوال الليل
Staying awake all night to study or complete work
She pulled an all-nighter to finish the research paper due the next day.

19.  Course Load (n)عدد المواد الدراسية
The number of classes a student is enrolled in during a term
He struggled to manage his course load because he was taking five courses.

20.  Textbooks (n)الكتب الدراسية
Required course books
The university provides a list of textbooks needed for each course.

21.  Plagiarism (n)انتحال الأعمال
Using someone else’s work without proper credit
Plagiarism is strictly prohibited and can result in severe academic penalties.

22.  Frat/Sorority (n)جمعية طلابية
Short for fraternity/sorority, social Greek life groups
He joined a fraternity to build friendships and develop leadership skills.

23.  Drop/Add Period (n)فترة إضافة وحذف المواد الدراسية
Timeframe to change course enrollments
The drop/add period allows students to adjust their schedules after classes begin.

24.  Grad Student (n)طالب دراسات عُليا
A student pursuing a master's or doctoral degree
As a grad student, she was focused on conducting research for her thesis.

25.  Undergrad (n)طالب جامعي
An undergraduate student working toward a bachelor's degree
He was an undergrad when he first joined the university.

26.  Study Abroad (n)الدراسة في الخارج
A program allowing students to study in a different country
She took part in a study abroad program in Spain during her sophomore year.

27.  Registrar (n)مكتب التسجيل
The office handling course registration and records
The registrar helps students enroll in courses and manage their academic records.

28.  Commencement (n)حفل التخرج
Graduation ceremony marking the completion of a degree
The commencement ceremony was held in the university auditorium.

29.  Thesis (n)أطروحة
A long essay or research project required for a degree
The graduate student spent months writing her thesis on renewable energy.

30.  Prerequisite (n)مادة أساسية
A course required before taking another specific course
Math 101 is a prerequisite for enrolling in the advanced calculus course.

Study Essential College Terminology Glossary with Quizlet

Essential College Terminology Glossary Practice

Here are two worksheets along with their answer keys to practice. 

Worksheet 1: Matching (English Terms to Definitions)

A worksheet containing a table where students match academic vocabulary terms with their corresponding definitions by writing the correct letter next to each number.


Worksheet 2: Fill in the Blanks

A worksheet with ten incomplete sentences, where students must fill in the missing academic vocabulary words to complete the sentences correctly.

