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Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 11

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Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 11

Vocabulary Workshop Level G Unit 11

Word List

  1. abrogate
    (v.) to repeal, cancel, declare null and void
  2. flaccid
    (adj.) limp, not firm; lacking vigor or effectiveness
  3. ambient
    (adj.) completely surrounding, encompassing
  4. impecunious
    (adj.) having little or no money
  5. asperity
    (n.) roughness, severity; bitterness or tartness
  6. inexorable
    (adj.) inflexible, beyond influence; relentless, unyielding
  7. burnish
    (v.) to make smooth or glossy by rubbing, polish; (n.) gloss, brightness, luster
  8. moribund
    (adj.) dying, on the way out
  9. cabal
    (n.) a small group working in secret
  10. necromancer
    (n.) one who claims to reveal or influence the future through magic, especially communication with the dead; in general, a magician or wizard
  11. delectable
    (adj.) delightful, highly enjoyable; deliciously flavored, savory; (n.) an appealing or appetizing food or dish
  12. onerous
    (adj.) burdensome; involving hardship or difficulty
  13. deprecate
    (v.) to express mild disapproval; to belittle
  14. rife
    (adj.) common, prevalent, widespread, happening often; full, abounding; plentiful, abundant, replete
  15. detritus
    (n.) loose bits and pieces of material resulting from disintegration or wearing away; fragments that result from any destruction
  16. rudiments
    (n. pl.) the parts of any subject or discipline that are learned first; the earliest stages of anything
  17. ebullient
    (adj.) overflowing with enthusiasm and excitement; boiling
  18. sequester
    (v.) to set apart, separate for a special purpose; to take possession of and hold in custody
  19. eclectic
    (adj.) drawn from different sources; (n.) one whose beliefs are drawn from various sources
  20. winnow
    (v.) to get rid of something unwanted, delete; to sift through to obtain what is desirable; to remove the chaff from the wheat by blowing air on it; to blow on, fan

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